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Children's Short Stories


Our heartwarming and inspiring children's stories focus on love, happiness, kindness and bravery. The animals see that it is their differences that make them special - and that friends are all around us when we can be brave and hold happiness in our hearts. Great for bedtime or story time.

Bella Rose Finds Her Forever Home Story Cover

Bella Rose Finds Her Forever Home

Bella Rose is a horse who didn't have a family of her own. She was abandoned, saved, and then saved again.


Learn how Bella Rose overcomes her fears and her injuries to find her forever home with the help and love of people and other animals.


Read Bella Rose's Story

Hanky's Wishes for the World Kids Story Cover

Hanky's Wishes for the World

Hanky is a one-of-a-kind horse who has magic blankets, magic food, and who loves to get sprinkled with magical moon beams. Find out what Hanky wishes for all creatures - from the squirrels to the elephants and everyone in between - and people too in this tender-hearted short story.
PS. He adds ongoing insights too.


Read Hanky's Story

Hobicat Goes to Heaven Kid's Story cover

Hobicat Goes to Heaven & Shares what He Learned

Hobicat goes on a fun-filled journey when the Angels come to take him to Heaven. He floats in the big bowl of Love, meets a new friend, and plays in fields of light. Then he comes back to visit and shares all the important things he learned.




Read Hobicat's Story

LilyBug Learns You're Perfect Just As You Are Story cover

LilyBug Learns You're Perfect Just As You Are

LilyBug was unwanted because she wasn't fluffy enough. She was left on the side of the road and wandered and searched to find her next home. Learn how she managed her fears, kept a happy place in her heart, and found her true home - where her differences make her special and she is loved just the way she is. And laugh to see how LOVE made her fluffy!


Read LilyBug's Story

Our Friend the Moon & Her Silvery Songs story cover

Our Friend the Moon & Her Silvery Songs

Sometimes at night, when it's dark, you can feel like you don’t have a best friend. But then you meet the moon, and she can be your best friend of all!  She's everywhere you are and her soft, cheerful songs make you feel better:  Keep looking up... Don't get down... Good things are coming.  Learn how you can be a good friend to the moon too.


Read Our Friend the Moon's Story

Our Spotlight Friends

Sometimes we have special friends we like to spotlight so we can share their stories with you!

Our Friend Buddy Om's story cover

Our Friend Buddy Om

Buddy Om is our friend who lives by the sea. He was rescued from the animal shelter and is now a Canine Good Citizen Therapy Dog.

Buddy Om never believed he would be so happy and have such an important job back when he was in the animal shelter. He was sad and scared, but then he met his special person Gina who helped him remember how special and lovable he was! And now he spreads love, joy, and lightheartedness wherever he goes!


Our Friends the Ancient Redwood Trees Cover

Our Friends: The Ancient Redwood Trees

Have you been lucky enough to visit a redwood forest? If not, I hope you do one day.


It's a magical and special place - filled with whispers, hugs, tree angels and fairy rings.


Come see...

Spotlight Friends
the letter B

Copyright © 2013 - 2025  Bella Rose & Friends. All Rights Reserved.


Bella Rose & Friends offers original short stories and messages focusing on love, happiness, and kindness. All are by and about the animals here at

For children of all ages and
the young at heart.

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